Writing Creatively With Spirit

A journey of psychic discovery

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They send their love

Just got back from an evening’s demonstration of mediumship at Sutton Coldfield Spiritualist Church. I learned a lot from Eamonn Downey about the art of giving messages. I was absolutely blown away by the message he brought from my grandmother. Apparently I AM on the right path spiritually and its OK to go more public with it.

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Back in my writing home


2016-04-02 13.38.57I’ve never been to an AGM (Annual General Meeting) quite like the Writers Without Borders one today. Usually they are dry, tedious, and something to be endured. People usually avoid them if they can, but not this one.

We had a fantastic turnout – 22 of our 25 paid up members made the trek to our new meeting place in John Lewis store in Central Station. Members were rightly proud of the many events we took part in over the last year, including the triumph of our latest anthology, and eagerly planned next year’s activities.

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There were two surprise presentations, one was a belated Easter egg offered by Tessa Lowe to Sue Brown as an appreciation of the way she has lead the group, and the other was a picture offered by Patricia  Bamurangirwa as an appreciation of the love and guidance Sue has personally given her over the years. We were all moved… we all felt the love… we were all reminded why we are members of this group.

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2015-06-11 16.46.43

Practicing the masked dance for my play

2015 was an AWESOME year, despite being a year of challenges. In November 2014 I attended a numerology course and was told that I needed to go back to the period of my life between 18 and 27 years to clear up emotional issues if I didn’t want to carry them into my next 9 year cycle.

I began that work in earnest in January and was totally unprepared for the upheaval it would cause in my life. One issue was so intense that I experienced a panic attack for the first time in my life.

When I came out of it I marveled at how we can bury things so deeply that we forget that they are there… or we convince ourselves that such things no longer affect us. However, with the promise of a smoother path ahead I was prepared to dig deep, stir up the murky waters, open the doors on the demons and let them out. I was prepared to look them in the face and declare that I was no longer afraid of them.

I shed a lot of tears, and without the support and encouragement of my friends and ancestral spirit guides I would probably have given up.

In May, just when I thought I’d turned the corner I suddenly and medically inexplicitly lost most of the sight in my right. Again I leaned heavily on earthly and heavenly support and was carried on the love of both.

I knew that there had to be a reason, and as the medical profession had drawn a blank I looked to the spiritual realm. My diminished physical sight resulted in enhanced third eye vision and a deepening of my connection to spirit.

From the world of spirit solutions came effortlessly to issues I’d been battling with for years, and they were so elegantly presented that it took my breath away… and many of the people around me who had known of my struggles.

Despite the reduced sight I still managed to complete my play and perform extracts from it, (though it is yet to be performed in its entirety).

I took a fairy tale holiday to Barbados which included a 7 day cruise for my birthday around some of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean.  I built a log cabin at the bottom of my garden which is now the most amazing rehearsal, meditation, yoga, just-sit -and -be-quiet space.

2015-09-27 11.10.08

I’ve re-connected with my Reiki and have been reminded of the power of universal healing energy. I finally experienced and understood the difference between the real world and this illusory one, and found an inner peace that carried me through some of my most difficult moments.

I’ve spent time with friends and family, offered and received support, laughed a lot, loved and have been loved.

It was an AWESOME year. Looking forward to 2016. Hope to see more of you then.


Family Constellation

Brockhampton Parish Hall was host to the Family Constellation

Brockhampton Parish Hall was host to the Family Constellation

I spent yesterday at a Family Constellation event in Brockhampton, Herefordshire, trying to find an underlying spiritual cause for my loss of sight as the medical professional cannot come up with a satisfactory one. What, I hear you ask, is Family Constellation?

Family Constellations is a gentle and profound way of looking at and bringing healing to situations that hold us back and create unhappiness in our lives.

Fields of poppies in the sun at Brockhampton at 9 a.m.

Fields of poppies in the sun at Brockhampton at 9 a.m.

They can uncover hidden dynamics and loyalties which entangle us with others, helping us to discover ways of healing and resolution, whether it be related to family, friendships, professional life or community. When the inner order of the family is re-established with love, the way is free for our own potential and task. The process can be deeply moving and often shows surprising solutions.

Charaka Satyam Danaher

Brockhampton Parish Church with a beautiful thatch roof.

Brockhampton Parish Church with a beautiful thatch roof.


Writing Creatively With Spirit – 2 years on

Love is Not a Reward and accompanying Sourcebook

Love is Not a Reward and accompanying Source book

I can hardly believe how much my life has changed since I started writing this blog two years ago. Then, I was tentatively putting my toes in the psychic development water. Now, while not a master of any one gift, I have been making steady progress with mediumship and giving psychic messages using a variety of objects, from crystal balls to flowers, drawings to cards.

But it is in the area of Shamanic journeying that I feel I made the biggest strides. After completing a workshop in June 2013 (The Way of the Shaman) I’ve been journeying on a regular basis. At first it was for myself, to get guidance from my spirit guides. Then I began to tentatively journey on behalf of others. This is where I get my most accurate and consistent results, closely followed by my dreams. I’m now being guided to numerology, a deeper understanding of which will enhance the quality of my messages. It’s the section of this blog that gets the most hits, especially at this time of year.

I’ve been guided to what to write, when to write it, when to publish, the title of the books, and even what colours to put on the cover of Love is Not a Reward.

I set the blog up to share my journey in trying to determine whether my psychic development would affect my writing. It clearly has. It is also impacting massively on my personal and professional development.

In the last two years I’ve written and published two books Love is Not a Reward and an accompanying Sourcebook. I’ve written many thousands of words in this and other blogs, and I’ve just completed a play based on my trip to Cameroon – a trip directed by spirit.

I will be performing the play later this year. It’s called Madam Bonkiyung and I’m going to chart it’s progress in this blog under the separate heading Madam Bonkiyung. I hope you will continue to share the journey with me and to come and see me if you can when it is staged.

I’m also going to be writing a biography for a musician as well as contributing to an exhibition of art and poetry. Going to be a busy year, but hopefully as exciting and productive as 2014.

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Love is Not a Reward

The long silence has been the result of getting my head down and focusing on completing 3 major pieces of writing.

Love is Not a Reward - Stories and Sourcebook

Love is Not a Reward – Stories and Sourcebook

I’ve come up for air. I’ve been going through the proofs of the two Love is Not a Reward books – text and source books. They will be available for sale soon, just a few more corrections and they’ll be on the shelves.

Also, I’ve just completed the first draft of a play. I won’t mention the title at the moment because it might change. It’s out to readers so I can breath for a few days. Initial responses have been very favourable, though the indications are that more work will be required to make it ready for stage. 

I am, however, very excited by suggestions that it would work as a radio play, and also as a book (narrative). One person even mentioned film.

Does the spiritual work affect my writing?  Absolutely!! Particularly the subject matter. Even the colour of the cover for Love is Not a Reward was shown to me in a shamanic journey.


Loving it by the lake

2014-06-28 19.56.50I’m just coming to the end of 3 weeks in Carnforth just outside the Lake District.

I came up to try and finish the workbook that accompanies Love is Not a Reward – and it worked. Not only did I finish it (thanks to an extra FREE week at the Pine Lake Resort – a long story) but I’ve also started to write the play for stage that I agreed to do a year ago.

Most of the time was about the writing, but I took some time out to do a little exploring.

I loved the walks along the side of the Lancaster Canal. On the day I finished I walked the ten miles from Pine Lake to Tewitfield and back along the canal on an air of elation.

I managed to get into Morcombe a couple of times and strolled along the promenade eating ice cream, as well as frequent trips into the lovely town of Carnforth.

Sculpture of mother and child in Morcombe

Sculpture of mother and child in Morcombe

I’ve been guided by spirit on numerous occasions during the writing of Love is Not a Reward, from being told to keep the title when I was about to change it, to being guided to the colours to use on the cover – and many more pointers on the content.

Most of the guidance came through journeying and dreams, but some came through messages from mediums and fellow sitters in psychic development circles.

Boats on the Lancaster Canal

Boats on the Lancaster Canal

I set of at the beginning of this blog curious as to whether my spiritual development would influence my writing – silly to think it wouldn’t!

I feel a book about the whole experience coming on – but not until I’ve finished the play – which I guess will only add more chapters.

Both the text and workbook of Love is Not a Reward are in production at the moment and should be available by the end of August.

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An evening with Gordon Smith

Sunday 23rd February 2014

From the excellence of Moon on a Rainbow Shawl I moved almost seamlessly to an amazing evening with Gordon Smith – psychic medium extraordinaire.

I was spellbound (excuse the pun) by his accuracy. None of my ancestors or dear departed friends wanted to speak to me, but it was a delight to witness this man deliver messages that prove the existence of a spirit world in such an entertaining way.

I left with renewed commitment to remembering my ancestors in my daily life. Check out Gordon Smith here, he may be in your area soon.

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A year of miracles

Wednesday 18th December 2013

It’s the time of year when weekly, fortnightly and monthly groups have their last and festive meeting of the year.

End of a miracles week

End of a miracles week

At our ‘A Course in Miracles’ we met to reflect on a year of miracles, to sip on some rather delicious wine and to munch on some lovely cheeses.

One of the miracles for me is the interest this blog has generated. I appreciate every view, every comment and every helpful suggestion I’ve had.

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I didn’t remember to take the pictures till after 3 people had left. Sorry guys… maybe next time. Thanks for the roses Jude.


The Way of the Shaman – Page 1

I went on this long awaited course at the weekend. It completely blew my mind. I’ve been seeing my spiritual journey as collecting bits of a jigsaw puzzle which, when all the pieces are in place, will finally show me why I’m here. On this course I picked up quite a number of pieces.

I’ll have to write up the main exercises and my learning in a series of blogs. I’m still trying to process some of them. I want to say a massive THANK YOU to Sandra for pointing me in the direction of Sacred Trust. I’m so grateful that you have shared my journey so far, and pray that you continue. I value your input. Please know, all of you who respond to my cries for help that it is received with gratitude and positive effect.

Further blogs to follow in the series ‘The Way of the Shaman.’