Writing Creatively With Spirit

A journey of psychic discovery

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Countdown to Cameroon – 18 days to go

Saturday 31st August

Already it’s the last day of August and my journey is becoming more real. I have little flashes of excitement but I know more of that will kick in once I’ve completed all the paperwork.

I posted my visa application on Thursday afternoon, so theoretically it should be ready for collection on Tuesday. I haven’t decided which day to go down to London yet.

Next week will be shopping for the essentials such as wellington boots and a mosquito net. I think I’m going to need a bigger case than the one I usually travel with.

I’ve started getting my audio visual equipment together but I need to do a couple of practice runs with video blogging. I may have a go tomorrow.

I have to confess to being fascinated by the book on IBOGA – The Visionary Root of African Shamanism. Maybe my preparation would be a bit further on if all my spare time wasn’t spent with my head in the book.

Somehow it feels more important that I learn about the properties and effects of this power plant than about the geography and customs of Cameroon. (I guess in learning about Iboga I’m indirectly learning about the customs and beliefs of Cameroon).


Session 42 – Time for pastures new

29th August 2013 (Thursday)

PICT2188It’s been five weeks since I last went to circle. This is because I’ve been focusing on publishing Never on Sunday and also I been doing more shamanic work. I’ve been journeying most days and gaining amazing guidance. I will write up some of the more profound ones. Time is a factor at the moment as I’m preparing for Cameroon and trying to edit Love is Not a Reward.

There were eight of us at circle, five women and three men (including Greg). Of the eight of us three were new, at the start of their journeys and very excited my cards and the prospect of trying out psychometry and working with other tools.

After the relaxation meditation we focused on getting messages for each other. I got a message for one of the women.

I saw a toilet brush. The handle was the carved head of a horse. As it wasn’t obvious to me what the message was I asked, ‘what is it I need to tell her?’

‘That she needs to make a decision about how she’s going to handle the crap that’s in her life at the moment.’

It made sense to her, and was supported by the messages she got from others.

I’ve been thinking for some time that I’m getting more out of the shamanic journeying than out of these sessions and it was reinforced tonight.

Ribbon carousel

Ribbon carousel

I realise that these sessions were my introduction to a systematic way of connecting with spirit. The messages I received week after week gradually shifted me to this position. I recall too that it was here that shamanism was first mentioned to me and how resistive I was to the idea then.

I will of course be visiting Oak House from time to time for Sunday service, and to connect with some of the wonderful people who shared this part of my journey.

I know that Mary’s follows this blog, so she will be able to keep tabs on my goings on. Thanks for your blessings Mary.

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Countdown to Cameroon – 21 days to go

I’m still waiting for an official bank statement to add to the visa application. If it doesn’t arrive tomorrow I’m going go to have to go to plan B and get one printed off at the bank and stamped. (Wish I’d done that anyway).

I’m just at the start of the 3 weeks Original Volunteers recommended for putting in the application so things should be OK.

I’ve had to put some of the preparations on hold while I managed the process for publishing Never on Sunday on Amazon. Now available as an ebook.

I’m also still trying to edit Love is Not a Reward. It looks unlikely that I’ll have it finished before I leave for Cameroon, but never say never!

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Countdown to Cameroon – 23 days to go – Iboga

25th August 2013

Iboga - The Visionary Root of African Shamanism

Iboga – The Visionary Root of African Shamanism

The more I’ve researched shamanism the more I’ve come to realise that each area has its own power plant. A power plant is one used in ceremonies to alter states of consciousness and helps to speed up the healing process. Having read a book on ayahausca, the power plant of Amazonian shamans, I wondered what the African shamans use. A quick look on Google revealed Iboga, used primarily in Gabon and Cameroon.

I ordered a book which arrived on Friday, and I’ve had my head stuck in it ever since. Iboga – The Visionary Root of African Shamanism is translated from French so is not as easy a read as Malidoma Some’s books, but it’s full of interesting facts about iboga’s origin and how it’s used with modern initiates.

It also has a substance, iborgaine, which has been proved to break powerful drug addictions. It’s effective even with long term heroin and cocaine addictions. As a consciousness altering substance iboga ‘opens areas of perception that are usually closed.’

New career as drummer?

New career as drummer?

However, in the early afternoon I took a break to go to the food market at Cannon Hill Park. Despite the park being taken over by EID celebrations there were a group of drummers who meet every Sunday in the park to play.

They invited me to join them. I did for a few minutes. On the way back I stayed for longer, sharing a hammock with the guy on the left while he told me how to feel the drum beat, how to experience them till they become a part of me. Told him I’ve felt that from time to time.

Not exactly what I’d planned when I left home. Sorry I couldn’t get a picture of me and him in the hammock laying head to toe like old friends (or new lovers).

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Countdown to Cameroon – 25 days to go – yellow fever jabbed

23rd August 2013

Yellow Fever Certificate

Yellow Fever Certificate

The saga began a few weeks ago when I made an initial booking for the vaccine at a travel clinic near me. They were charging £52.00. I later found it cheaper at my own GP clinic for £50.00 and booked to have it today. I arrived in good time and was duly called in by the nurse.

‘Where are you travelling to?’ she asked.

‘Cameroon.’ I replied not even attempting to hide the excitement in my voice.

She smiled politely as she looked up my destination on her screen.

‘Are you having the other vaccines as well?’ she enquired, obviously noticing that Typhoid, Tetanus and Hepatitis B are also recommended.

‘No.’ I answered and hoped she’d move on.

‘Have you had them done somewhere else?’ she persisted.

‘I’ll be fine,’ I evaded, ‘I don’t think I need them.’

‘What if you get these diseases?’ She was not letting it drop.

‘I have a lot of faith.’ I offered.

‘And you think faith will protect you?’ It was a cross between a sneer and incredulity.

I held my arms open. ‘It seems to be doing alright so far. Look at me. There’s nothing wrong with me,’ I declared.

‘OK then. If that’s what you want.’ She said in a voice that left me in do doubt she considered me foolish.

‘Are you aware you have to pay for the vaccine?’ she was more business-like again.


‘Fifty-five pounds.’

‘I was told it was fifty.’ I challenged.

Without looking up from typing she replied, ‘Well, if that’s what they told you.’

She then disappeared into another room and came back with a small phial and needle.

‘Where on my body?’ I asked.

‘On your arm.’

‘Anyone in particular.’


When the syringe was full she came toward me bearing a small bowl of cotton wool balls. She used one of them to rub a small patch on my arm, and with a pin-prick later it was all over.

‘Please pay at reception while I write up your certificate,’ she instructed me.

I was relieved she didn’t mention Malaria tablets.

‘I’ve come to pay for my yellow fever vaccine,’ I said to one of the busy receptionists.’

‘That will be £11.40’ she said.

‘What! I thought it was £50.’ My turn to be incredulous.

‘Oh, yellow fever. Yes, you’re right. It’s £50.’

The nurse returned with my certificate and asked me to sign it. I noticed it was valid for 5 years. When I queried this she said that how long they’re valid for.

‘But I thought the vaccine was valid for 10 years?’

‘I know,’ she did a little shrug as if to say ‘that’s how it is.’

‘But that’s crazy!’ I protested. ‘Does that mean that if I want to travel again in six year’s time I have to come back and pay for another one of these even though the vaccine is active for ten years?’

‘Just one minute,’ she said walking away.

She returned with a pen, changed the 5 to a 10, wrote ‘Ten Years’ in letters and handed me back the certificate.

I was flabbergasted! What kind of system is being operated here? Why are there varying prices for the same vaccine and how can 5 years be so easily changed to 10. And shouldn’t it have been ten years in the first place? What if I didn’t know to ask? And what if I hadn’t protested?

Has anyone else encountered this?

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Countdown to Cameroon – 27 days to go

21st August 2013

Encyclopedia of Spirituality by Timothy Freke

Encyclopedia of Spirituality by Timothy Freke

It was a fairly quiet day in terms of preparation. I went to the gym and did a good workout. I ate three Moringa seeds and sprinkled a teaspoon of the powder on my vegetables. But alas ruined the effect when I found a bottle of ginger punch in a cupboard which had been there so long it’s now morphed into a beautiful liquor. Two and a half glasses later I vowed to do better tomorrow.

I also ordered a copy of Malidoma Patrice Some’s book Healing wisdom of Africa. I was prompted to this after reading Timothy Freke’s book The Encyclopaedia of Spirituality again.

I first read the book ten years ago at the start of my conscious spiritual journey. It’s a brilliant book in many ways, but what struck me on second reading is the total absence of any reference to Africa.

If this was the only book you read on Africa you could be forgiven for thinking that Africa does not exist, and has never had any influence on world spirituality and spiritual practices.


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Countdown to Cameroon – 28 days to go

20th August 2013

Moringa seeds

Moringa seeds

The body preparations began yesterday with the first of three visits per week to the gym. Today was a rest day – only a walk and back to the High St. (About 2 miles)

Instead of malaria tablets I’m using Moringa seeds and powder. Moringa has been shown to build immunity against malaria which is only one of its many health properties. Other include: reduces high blood pressure, cures diabetes, reverses failing eyesight, and helps blood to coagulate. It’s brilliant with weight loss, and even turns grey hair black. It is actually called the miracle tree.

Moringa leaf powder

Moringa leaf powder

So I reckon I can use Moringa as a one stop for all my aliments. (I’m not suggesting I have all of the above, but I’m hoping it can save me a few pounds on hair dye and help to reduce my visits to Specsavers).

Still on the body preparation front – I’ve booked to have my Yellow Fever vaccine on Friday. I tried to persuade my GP to let me have the vaccine for free, as I have made no claim on the NHS or her practice for nearly twelve years. But alas no. I have to play £50 like everyone else!  I’m also cutting down on my sugar intake. Though with jam making season around the corner, and the fruit trees laden with plums, apples and blackberries, this could be challenging.

Admin wise I got my passport photos done and collected all my papers into one pile. I’ve decided to send my application for the visa by special delivery and go to collect it from the embassy when it’s ready. This is because the only other option for returning my passport is a stamped addressed envelope. I’m not keen to risk using ordinary post this close to departure. Even my post man advised against it. Tomorrow I’ll try and find a good deal on the train for picking it up.

Spiritually I’m doing more shamanic journeying. They’ve become part of my daily routine. I’ve been having some amazing experiences which I will, when I can find the time, record in this blog.

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Countdown to Cameroon – 29 days to go

I decided to focus on visa application today. Fortunately the letter of invitation arrived. Next was a look at the Cameroon Embassy website to check the process and requirements. (See below) It’s been a while since I traveled to anywhere requiring a visa. I was more than a little taken aback by the list. There was more that didn’t apply to me, but there was enough that did to make me want to throw my hands up, hold my head and cry. But I’m beginning to do process quite well.

So off I went to the bank to check the state of my finance (internet banking not working) only to find I’d lost my bank card. Well, left it in an ATM last week is a more accurate description. So one more task to add to the list – report lost card.

Then I ordered travel insurance and printed off my travel ticket details. I fear a few trees may have been sacrificed for this application. That was enough for today. All this came on the back of a full workout at the gym followed by a Zumba class. Yes, the body preparation has begun. More about that tomorrow.

Tomorrow I’ll do the photos, check out postal money orders and re-book my yellow fever vaccine.

  • (A)   Documents to be submitted:
  1. A passport valid for at least 6 months.
  2. Two completed application forms.
  3. Two clear passport-size photographs taken frontally.
  4. A stamped self-addressed envelope if you require the visa to be posted back to you.
  5. A legalised letter of invitation with the Cameroon Police from either the host/contact/partner in Cameroon (accompanied by a legalised copy of the Cameroonian National Identity Card or Residence Permit).
  6. Return or continuation ticket.
  7. Bank statement (at least £1, 000), except where a tour operator/travel agency is organising a trip.
  8. Visa application fee.
  9. Travel Insurance.
  10. Marriage Certificate for mixed couple and a letter from the Cameroonian partner.
  11. Child’s Birth Certificate and a letter from one or both parents allowing the child to travel.
  12. Application Procedure
  13. Completed applications should be lodge at the reception desk of the High Commission between 9.30am to 12.30pm, Monday to Friday, except on bank, (public) holidays in England and Cameroon.
  14. The presence of visa applicants at the High Commission may be required for purposes of identification.
  15. Passports are generally ready for collection within 48 hours. Collection is between 2.00pm and 3.30pm every working day. Request for accelerated processing should be justified. If not, it is the normal waiting period, which applies.
  16. Application Fees: 

    1 day to 3 months = £62

  17. NB: In cash or postal money order please. The above amounts are subject to variation.

Sanitary Requirements

Compulsory vaccines:

  1. Yellow Fever
  2. Cholera (If coming from affected area). Proof required at port of entry.

Recommended Vaccines

  1. Typhoid
  2. Meningitis
  3. Malaria protection