Writing Creatively With Spirit

A journey of psychic discovery


Good friends

Remembering a more relaxed time.

Remembering a more relaxed time.

Sometimes, when you’re so tired, when you’re wondering if it’s all worth it, when you could put your head in your hands and cry, you get an email like the one below. And it gives you the energy to keep going. Thanks Roger.

The indefatigable author Miss Penny Dixon is reported to be totally knackered….
 Dermot Murhgahan on Sky News exclaimed….. And I quote…-
 ‘No bloody wonder..!!!’
 An NHS spokesman says the underlying problem is that people such as Miss Dixon have so many balls in the air at one time..
And even though they have ample skills to keep on catching them they don’t realise that some of the balls have become heavier… 
She’s being advised to take a humanity check as she is only human like the rest of us.. also to throw some of the balls to one side for a while or possibly throw one or two to someone else… 
Professor Camden an esteemed psychologist at the Dixon Faculty of the Spoken Word ,
 (The faculty was funded by Miss Dixon following her success as an author to inspire others to keep their balls in the air too).

 Professor Camden has reported to the media that he and other close friends will be keeping a very close eye on Miss Dixon in the future as many of us have dropped our balls in the past and are now catching them again thanks to her intervention and good advice..