Writing Creatively With Spirit

A journey of psychic discovery


I’m Ready

DSC_0095What a lovely surprise to find that one of our local Birmingham radio stations – Genesis – has been playing one of my poems three times each Tuesday to Friday mornings. Chicken George presents the morning show between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. on these mornings. He usually plays the poem not long after the news which appears on the hour. The poem’s called I’m Ready. He thinks its a great get-up-and-get-going call.

I’m Ready

I’m ready to soar
To fly high in the sky
To unclip my wings
To spread them wide
I’m ready to glide on the currents of love
To swirl and twirl
to feel the air in my feathers
I’m ready to sing, to twerp and tweet
I’m ready to feel the highest branches
beneath my feet
I’m ready to hover
by the beating of my own wings
I’m ready to stretch life
until it pings

I’m ready is from my CD Raw (vols 1 & 2) Copyright Cymbals Publishing

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They send their love

Just got back from an evening’s demonstration of mediumship at Sutton Coldfield Spiritualist Church. I learned a lot from Eamonn Downey about the art of giving messages. I was absolutely blown away by the message he brought from my grandmother. Apparently I AM on the right path spiritually and its OK to go more public with it.

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Back in my writing home


2016-04-02 13.38.57I’ve never been to an AGM (Annual General Meeting) quite like the Writers Without Borders one today. Usually they are dry, tedious, and something to be endured. People usually avoid them if they can, but not this one.

We had a fantastic turnout – 22 of our 25 paid up members made the trek to our new meeting place in John Lewis store in Central Station. Members were rightly proud of the many events we took part in over the last year, including the triumph of our latest anthology, and eagerly planned next year’s activities.

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There were two surprise presentations, one was a belated Easter egg offered by Tessa Lowe to Sue Brown as an appreciation of the way she has lead the group, and the other was a picture offered by Patricia  Bamurangirwa as an appreciation of the love and guidance Sue has personally given her over the years. We were all moved… we all felt the love… we were all reminded why we are members of this group.