Writing Creatively With Spirit

A journey of psychic discovery


Never on Sunday goes to church

Tuesday 29th April 2014

Never on Sunday by Penny Dixon

Never on Sunday by Penny Dixon




I’ve just had some good news. A pastor who read Never on Sunday is going to be using it in the relationship ministry in his church.

He said ‘It is a timely book.’

Buy it here Never on Sunday

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One year on

10th January 2014

An idea lives on

An idea lives on

One year ago today (10th January 2013) I started this blog to share with others the strange phenomena that had happened with my second novel, (i.e. things I’d written about started to happen in real life) see below and also see about. I wanted to see whether engaging in psychic development would have any noticeable effect on my future writing.

It has been an amazing year.

Crystal ball

Crystal ball

Circles – I began going to psychic development circles on Mondays and Thursdays. The Monday classes were focused more on using tools such as cards, crystal balls etc to give messages. The Thursday classes focused more on connecting directly with spirit (mediumship) in order to give messages.

I had many fantastic experiences. I realised that I could give messages using just about anything from cards, crystal balls, photographs, coloured ribbon, to plant leaves, flowers and scrunched up bits of paper. I learned that these things are just props, something to focus on until the connection with spirit is so strong that you don’t need them anymore. In the Thursday sessions I built my connection and learned how to do it without the props.

PICT2188I was given many amazing messages from others in these sessions. I also learned that a trained and experienced circle leader can see inside your meditation. It was in one of these sessions that I was directed to look more closely at the Maroons in Jamaica. Several messages from different people lead me to push past my fear and explore shamanism. I first met one of my animal teachers at a Thursday circle.

The Amadeus Centre, West London

The Amadeus Centre, West London

Shamanism – My exploration of shamanism took me to a workshop at the Amadeus in London in June. It was called The Way of the Shaman. It was incredibly intense and I came away knowing that shamanism was the spiritual path for me. It lead to a new category of the blog by the same name.

Earl Purdy and me - awesome man

Earl Purdy and me at A Course in Miracles Conference – awesome man 

Workshops – In between the circles and the shamanic workshop I attended a number of other developmental workshop. These are recorded under Developmental Events.




Dreams – Once I began the circles my dreams became much more active and in some cases predictive. Many of these are recorded under Dreams. I was incredibly grateful to everyone who made suggestions on how to interpret them.

Graves at Brompton Cemetry

Graves at Brompton Cemetry

Stepping stones – Sometimes things would happen that didn’t fit into any of the categories. Things like seeing things flash before my eyes, or hearing voices that instructed me to do certain things (am I scaring you now?) like when I was told about Tom Seligman. The information lead me to more information for the research for the book I was writing. Another lead me to West Brompton Cemetery in London.

Countdown to Cameroon – From the research I developed a curiosity about my African ancestry. I took a DNA test which showed that my ancestors were from Cameroon. In October I set off to find them and had an adventure that surpassed all my expectation.

African Ancestry DNA kit

African Ancestry DNA kit

Writing – And what about the writing? As well as the many thousands of words of blogging I wrote two more books.

The first, Never on Sunday was published as an ebook in August and in December in hard copy. Both are available from Amazon.

Never on Sunday by Penny Dixon

Never on Sunday by Penny Dixon

The second book, Love is Not a Reward is current out to readers for comment. The ones I’ve received so far are favourable. This is the one that’s linked to the parenting course that I’ve been writing for the polytechnic in Barbados. It’s due out in about three months time.

Trying to get over the shock

It wasn’t all hard work in Barbados

So has the experiment worked? Did the psychic development influence my writing? The only evidence I have is that things I’ve written in both Never on Sunday and Love is Not a Reward have happened in real life. I’m still a little spooked by it because I never know which things are going to manifest in real life. Maybe that would be true prediction, true prophecy.

Where to now? – Well, the writing continues. I have at least eight books in my head waiting to come out. Spiritually I will be focusing more on shamanic practices and will write about these as much as I can.

Dancing with the juju man

Dancing with the juju man in Cameroon

Back to Cameroon – I’ll be going back to Cameroon later this year so will be writing about that too, along with anything interesting that happens in my spiritual, ancestral and writing world. I hope you will continue to drop in from time to time.


Session 42 – Time for pastures new

29th August 2013 (Thursday)

PICT2188It’s been five weeks since I last went to circle. This is because I’ve been focusing on publishing Never on Sunday and also I been doing more shamanic work. I’ve been journeying most days and gaining amazing guidance. I will write up some of the more profound ones. Time is a factor at the moment as I’m preparing for Cameroon and trying to edit Love is Not a Reward.

There were eight of us at circle, five women and three men (including Greg). Of the eight of us three were new, at the start of their journeys and very excited my cards and the prospect of trying out psychometry and working with other tools.

After the relaxation meditation we focused on getting messages for each other. I got a message for one of the women.

I saw a toilet brush. The handle was the carved head of a horse. As it wasn’t obvious to me what the message was I asked, ‘what is it I need to tell her?’

‘That she needs to make a decision about how she’s going to handle the crap that’s in her life at the moment.’

It made sense to her, and was supported by the messages she got from others.

I’ve been thinking for some time that I’m getting more out of the shamanic journeying than out of these sessions and it was reinforced tonight.

Ribbon carousel

Ribbon carousel

I realise that these sessions were my introduction to a systematic way of connecting with spirit. The messages I received week after week gradually shifted me to this position. I recall too that it was here that shamanism was first mentioned to me and how resistive I was to the idea then.

I will of course be visiting Oak House from time to time for Sunday service, and to connect with some of the wonderful people who shared this part of my journey.

I know that Mary’s follows this blog, so she will be able to keep tabs on my goings on. Thanks for your blessings Mary.

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Countdown to Cameroon – 21 days to go

I’m still waiting for an official bank statement to add to the visa application. If it doesn’t arrive tomorrow I’m going go to have to go to plan B and get one printed off at the bank and stamped. (Wish I’d done that anyway).

I’m just at the start of the 3 weeks Original Volunteers recommended for putting in the application so things should be OK.

I’ve had to put some of the preparations on hold while I managed the process for publishing Never on Sunday on Amazon. Now available as an ebook.

I’m also still trying to edit Love is Not a Reward. It looks unlikely that I’ll have it finished before I leave for Cameroon, but never say never!


Never on Sunday – would you read it?

Never on Sunday by Penny Dixon

Never on Sunday by Penny Dixon

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog. This is because I’ve been busy editing and working on completing my latest book Never on Sunday. It’s already created a bit of controversy as the pastor who first gave me the idea to write it didn’t want to be associated with it. He said that although he personally thought it was brilliant that his church board wouldn’t approve. In addition,  the first person I approached to proof read it for me said she had to pray about it. She came back and said, based on the description of the book, she was unable to read it.

I’ve attached the book cover (Thanks to Pam Neaves of Mint Creative Solutions) and the description of the book. (See below) I would love to know what you think. Would you read such a book? Would you at least be curious to look at it?

It’s a difficult job being the head of a church in these times.  Pastor Brown’s focus on meeting the deadline for his new book distracts him from what’s going on in his congregation. Yet beneath the songs of praise run deep sexual passions that struggle to find expression in ways that are acceptable to the church.

As members of his congregation attempt to reconcile their religious beliefs with their sexual urges they grapple with issues such as infidelity, erectile dysfunction, pre-marital sex, abuse within marriage, and more.

His members face a number of challenges which Pastor Brown tries to guide them through; but who will guide him when the bomb lands in his own house?

These stories are touching in their ability to connect with what is real. They illustrate of the powerful redemptive nature of forgiveness, and confirm that true love is the only way to heal.