Writing Creatively With Spirit

A journey of psychic discovery

Your Numerology Personal Year No 4

Key words for this year are:

Work, law and order, budgeting, foundations, sex, regeneration or recycling

Your Personal Year Number 4 highlights a need to consolidate energy and resources so that they are strong enough to support your future growth. For example, if you know that you have three more years of study left for a degree, you can learn to pace yourself physically and consolidate your finances to make sure you have enough of that energy and those resources for the course. Indeed, as the number 4 is associated with personal responsibility, then this number can help you to focus on what you need to do to survive.

During a 4 cycle you may be preoccupied with money, property or your body. Perhaps you make fundamental changes to your life, such as moving home, altering your diet or changing careers. Or you may want to change the basic structure of a relationship. These changes may be dramatic, or you may make dramas out of them, but if you choose, the slow determination of this vibration means you can keep calm by taking one step at a time.

Practical changes to your routine may be welcome, particularly if you have been feeling stuck in certain areas of your life and it has become too monotonous. However, you are learning to build a sense of inner security so that you can feel safe within yourself, no matter what happens externally. Indeed, this cycle may feel like a physical endurance test, but it might well make you stronger in the long run.

You may consistently work towards goals this year, perhaps working harder than during other cycles, but now you have the staying power to follow them through. This earthy energy can make sure your feet are planted firmly on the ground, perhaps by giving you practical conflicts to sort out that keep you focused in the material world, or by bringing out a realistic streak. Goals that were started in your Personal Year 1 cycle may materialise or take a firmer form during this year. It can be an altogether constructive year if you are willing to be systematic and ready to change any of your approaches that are now outdated.

The 4 cycle is a great time to develop friendships and to get in contact with your passion for life. Friends are important because they are not family – to whom you may sometimes feel obligated – or a partner who may also be a great friend but with whom you are close. Friends can be objective and they can fulfil many different roles. You may find that you spend more time with your friends than usual during this cycle, perhaps because you need their support, or simply because you want to. This year be aware of the hobbies or interests you have in common with your close friends; it may help to reconnect you with your gifts and bring you alive and in touch with your passions.

From Collins Gem Numerology (c) Essential Books 2002 by Sonia Ducie

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